DEI Titanium (Lava Rock) Exhaust Wrap/Μονωτική ταινία - 980Celcius - ΤΙΜΗ ΑΝΑ ΜΕΤΡΟ/PRICE PER METRE (5cm Wide Wrap) - Maximum Insulation
Κωδικός: 10129

Using a wrap .. to keep heat inside the headers will keep components, oil and even the air/fuel charge cooler, which should make for a healthier, stronger racing engine. - Circle Track MagazineAmazon ReviewsI've used DEI Titanium exhaust wrap on two applications now, a street bike and a fourwheeler. In both instances it has worked great - dh09
Looks great and for sure is cutting down the heat in my Subaru Engine bay. a Must if you're Running a TMIC Intercooler in your Subaru. Helps cut down on the Heat on the underside of the I/C - T. Hartman Amazon
Worked great on my 2013 RAM 2500 Cummins Turbo Diesel truck. I wrapped just the portion of the exhaust near my G56 transmission because the exhaust is too close to the transmission - R. Parten
Used to wrap my Ducati monster dual exhaust from header to undertail muffler. I had about 3 feet left over. Looks great, easy to work with! - Steve O
works excellent. used on a 08 FXSTB and keeps my legs from burning up at stops. - Steve
With this installed I can ditch the factory installed head shields and free up room around my turbo and exhaust. - Ben
helped greatly on reducing underhood temps from my downpie - David
Definitely keeps temp down! Only issue is when it's cut, it unthreads very easy and a bit tedeous to work with. - Rito
50 feet barely wrapped one side of my LS type V8 engine longtube headers. (had 2-3 feet extra from each rool)
but very happy with product. keeps nearby items from burning and under hood temps down - Logan
Used it to wrap my invidia uppipe and the cold side of my FMIC piping. Definitely keeps the heat from the engine bay from the piping - RG

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-When you need extreme insulation
eg you have electrical cables and sensors very close to exhaust system
-Ceramic (lava rock) based exhaust wrap.
-1 time use, cannot be removed and reused, wrap becomes hard after first heat cycle
-For use in engine bays, where it is protected from weather
-Not suitable for exposure to elements eg rain, rocks ie under car mounting
-Attaches to exhaust with clips, see video below for installation instructions
-To insulate exhaust underneath car, we recommend DEI fibreglass wrap, less heat insulation but stronger
Product Type: Exhaust
Αντέχει την άμεση θερμότητα μέχρι τους 980οC και την ακτινοβολία θερμότητας
μέχρι τους 1300οC
Προσθέτει αντοχή και συγκρατά τη θερμότητα
Απλά μειώνει υπερβολικά τη θερμοκρασία στον χώρο του κινητήρα.
Αντέχει την άμεση και διαρκή επαφή με την εξάτμιση μέχρι τους 980οC
Αντέχει την άμεση θερμότητα με μέγιστη θερμοκρασία τους 1350οC
Βελτιώνει την αποτελεσματικότητα της εξάτμισης
Βελτιώνει την αξιοπιστία
Βελτιώνει την ανταπόκριση του Turbo
Προστατεύει τα αξεσουάρ του κινητήρα
Αντέχει στη φωτιά
Αντέχει στα λάδια
Χρησιμοποιείται μια φορά
Simply massive reduction in engine bay temperatures
Direct contact with exhaust up to 980 Celsius constantly
1350 Celsius peak direct heat
Improve exhaust efficiency
Improved reliability
Improved turbo response
Protect engine accessories
Fire resistant
Resitant to oil
One time use
DEI Titanium exhaust wrap contains ZERO asbestos. DEI Titanium exhaust wrap is made from fibreglass & crushed lava rock which is bonded using DEI's proprietary bonding materials.
Genuine DEI Titanium exhaust wrap is a 1-Time use exhaust wrap, it cannot be removed and reused after is has been heat cycled. DEI Titanium exhaust wrap becomes hard and brittle when it has been heat cycled, it is important that the wrap is tight before is it heat cycled as it cannot be adjusted later.
If you need an exhaust wrap for offroad use ie it will be hit with stones, rubbed on rocks etc, we recommend DEI EXO exhaust wrap
It is not recommended to use this product on Titanium exhausts as the walls are usually extremely thin. Surface rust can appear on steel exhausts. Stainless steel does not rust
Unfortunately the market is flooded with fake "Titanium" exhaust wrap, the video below will help you identify if you have real Titanium exhaust wrap. Street & Circuit only sells genuine DEI exhaust wrap, we are a factory approved dealer and distributor
Improves horsepower by assisting exhaust scavenging and by keeping exhaust gas at higher speedIncreases horspower by keeping the engine intake system cooler Increase engine reliability but reducing temperatures Reduces stress on parts in engine bay by lowering temperatures Makes cooling engine cooling system more effective by protecting radiator and hose from heat Improves effectiveness of air conditioning by keeping air conditioning radiator cooler
Το Titanium Exhaust Wrap, με τεχνολογία LP, είναι κατασκευασμένο απο κονιοποιημένη πέτρα λάβας που είναι παγιδευμένη μέσα σε ένα υφασμάτινο υλικό ινών με μια μοναδική και αποκλειστική πλέξη /ύφανση. Το Titanium Exhaust Wrap έχει κατασκευαστεί για να είναι ισχυρότερο και πιο ανθεκτικό απο τις περισσότερες ταινιες και πιο ανθεκτικό για βελτιωμένη θερμική απόδοση και αξιοπιστία. Το Titanium Exhaust Wrap είναι ιδανικό για κάθε εφαρμογή στο αυτοκίνητο ή στη μοτοσυκλέτα! Σημείωση: Αυτό το προϊόν ΔΕΝ διατίθεται σε συσκευασίες λιανικής πώλησης. Διατίθεται μόνο σε συσκευασία πολλών μέτρων. Titanium exhaust wrap, with LR Technology, is made from pulverized lava rock and stranded into a fiber material and woven into a proprietary weave. Titanium wrap is engineered to be stronger than most wraps and more durable for improved thermal performance and reliability. Perfect for any automotive or motorcycle application! Please note: Not supplied in retail packaging. Supplied in bulk

Reduce under hood temperatures a realistic 50%Protects water radiator from hot exhaust pipes Protects electronics from hot exhaust pipes Protects electrical cables from hot exhaust pipes Protects water and oil hoses from hot exhaust pipes Protects electric devices such as the alternator from hot exhaust pipes Reduces stress on all parts in the engine bay by keeping temperatures down
How do I fit the exhaust wrap? A. Please click the link at the bottom to see how to installQ. Where can I use this wrap? A. This wrap can be used on exhaust manifolds on turbo and normally aspirated cars, it can also be used to wrap exhaust downpipes, catalytic converters and exhaust systems. Basically it can be used to wrap any part of the exhaust Q. Can I use it to wrap my intake? A. You could, but for the best results we would recommend you use a hest shielding product. Exhaust wrap is designed to keep heat in and heat shield are designed to keep heat out Q. How much exhaust wrap do I need? A. Please use the DEI exhaust wrap calculator, there is a link below
To reduce the stress on electrical and cooling systems in your engine compartmentTo improve your car's horsepower To increase the power of your engine's cooling system