Land Rover
NOTE: BLACK SERIES is the hard compound. Recommended for Race Use only
Τα Σινεμπλόκ Powerflex μεταμορφώνουν την ανάρτηση του
αυτοκινήτου σας σε καλύτερη από
Ολόκληρη η γκάμα των Σινεμπλόκ της Powerflex διατίθεται
από τη Street & Circuit
Τηλεφωνήστε μας σήμερα για τα Σινεμπλόκ Powerflex, είμαστε
σίγουροι ότι θα βρείτε τις τιμές μας ακτύπητες
ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ: Όλες οι τιμές αφορούν 1 Σινεμπλόκ, για παράδειγμα εάν η
τιμή είναι 30 ευρώ και αναγράφεται "2 ανά αυτοκίνητο" το κόστος για το σετ
είναι 2x30 ευρώ = 60 ευρώ.
"Με τις τεχνολογικές
προόδους στο συγκεκριμένο υλικό, κατέστη δυνατόν να ξεπεραστεί το
πρόβλημα που σχετίζεται με τα σκληρότερα σινεμπλόκ , δηλαδή τον
αυξημένο βαθμό θορύβου. Με κατάλληλο τεχνολογικό σχεδιασμό της πολυουρεθάνης,
είναι δυνατόν να επιτευχθεί αύξηση του βαθμού ακαμψίας των σινεμπλόκ
της Powerflex κατά 25-30% συγκριτικά με τα καινούρια εργοστασιακά
σινεμπλόκ , αλλά με τις ίδιες ακριβώς ιδιότητες απορρόφησης θορύβου.
Σινεμπλόκ POWERFLEX, η λογική κατάληξη."
για παρατεταμένη διάρκεια ζωής των ελαστικών.
για βελτιωμένη απόδοση.
για αυξημένη ασφάλεια.
Powerflex Suspension Bushes, Greece
Powerflex bushes transform your cars suspension tobetterthan new!
The entire range of Powerflex bushes are available from Street & Circuit
Call us today for your Powerflex bushes, we think you will find our prices
NOTE: All prices are for 1 bush, for example if price is
30Euro and it says "2 per car" the cost for the set is 2x30Euro = 60Euro.
"With the technological advances
in this material it has been possible to overcome the common problem
associated with harder bushes which is increased noise. By correctly
engineering the polyurethane compound, bushes can be made 25-30%
stiffer than new rubber items but with exactly the same noise absorbing
properties. POWERFLEX bushes make sense."
Suspension bushes/σινεμπλόκ
are used where 2 suspension components move in relation to each other. For example
the tops and bottoms of shock absorbers/dampers and between the chassis and the
Standard suspension bushes are designed to insulate the driver as much as possible
from the noise, vibration and harshness of the road and engine while still allowing
the suspension geometry to stay within acceptable tolerances (example of
Mazda 3 suspension tolerances) when the car is used on the road.
Because of these design criteria.....
1. Noise insulation
2. Vibration insulation
3. Harshness insulation
4. Keeping alignment with acceptable tolerances
....suspension bushes/σινεμπλόκ fitted to cars as standard can leave a lot of
room for improvement if you want your car to perform at a higher level than the
average driver.
To give some examples.
1. You have fitted wider and stickier tyres to your car, for example
Toyo R888, your suspension will be put under more load than the designer of
the suspension bush imagined which means suspension alignment could be outside of
factory tolerances.
Powerflex suspension bushes/σινεμπλόκ are designed specifically for cars which
have been modified. For example Powerflex wishbone bushes are much more resistant
to load than the original bushes meaning your suspension/αναρτήσεις
will stay within factory tolerances even when you fit wider stickier tyres and/or
performance suspension.
2. You have modified your engine to make more power and torque. Your engine will
now been putting more force through the engine mounts than before, especially during
aggressive standing starts. More force means more movement which could be bad for
many components connected to the engine.
For example exhaust joints are amongst the first to suffer with leakage due to
extra engine movement.
AC pipes are vulnerable to excess engine movement, gearbox mounts will also
be placed under extra stress if the engine is moving more.
engagement can also become softer if the engine is moving more which can lead to
less smooth gear changes.
Powerflex engine mounts are designed for modified cars where the engine is putting
more force through the engine mounts. Powerflex engine mounts will keep engine movements
down even when the engine is making more power than standard.
Okay, we have established some of the benefits of fitting Powerflex suspension
bushes/σινεμπλόκ to your car but what about the downsides.
Because Powerflex suspension bushes are made from a more rigid material than
the standard bushes more sound, vibration and harshness will reach the drivers seat.
However Powerflex has chosen the compounds of their bushes carefully which means
the negative aspects will be kept to a minimum while performance will be a step
above that of the standard bushes.
If you are driver who is simply looking for a set of replacement bushes then
a set of OEM bushes from
Optimal may be more suitable.
However if your car is modified, or if you demand a lot from your car or if you
have encountered problems like uneven tyre wear then Powerflex will help keep your
car within the tolerances specified by the factory even if you have modified the
All Powerflex bushes /σινεμπλόκ come with fitting instruction and all Powerflex
bushes come with a lifetime warranty against manufacturing and material defects.
To order your Powerflex bushes call Street & Circuit now on 2310 854 719 or order
Γιατί να χρησιμοποιήσετε Powerflex σινεμπλόκ πολυουρεθάνης;
Απλά, ακρίβεια. Τα εργοστασιακά σινεμπλόκ έχουν σχεδιαστεί για να απορροφούν
όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερο ήχους και δονήσεις του πλαισίου
,διατηρώντας παράλληλα την ευθυγράμμιση των τροχών εντός των ανοχών του
Για προχωρημένους οδηγούς το "εντός των ανοχών του εργοστασίου" μπορεί να μην
είναι αρκετό.
Αν θέλετε να διατηρήσετε την ευθυγράμμιση σας όσο πιο κοντά στο βέλτιστο δυνατό
και δεν σας πειράζει μια μικρή αύξηση του θορύβου και κραδασμών τότε τα
Powerflex είναι τα σινεμπλόκ για εσας
Αν δεν νοιάζεστε για τους κραδασμούς και θέλετε απλά την βέλτιστη ευθυγράμμιση
και συμπεριφορά , ανά πάσα στιγμή, ακόμη και σε χρήση πίστας η Powerflex έχει
κυκλοφορήσει την σειρά "Black Series" , τα οποία σινεμπλκόκ είναι κατασκευασμένα
από ένα πολύ πιο σκληρό υλικό πολυουρεθάνης σε σχέση με τα υπόλοιπα που παράγουν.
Καλέστε μας σήμερα για να μάθετε περισσότερα και να παραγγείλετε τα Powerflex
σινεμπλόκ σας.
Why use Powerflex polyurethane bushes?
Simple, precision. Standard suspension bushes are designed to absorb as much
sound and vibration as possible while keeping the wheel alignment within factory
For advanced drivers "within factory tolerances" may not be good enough. If
you want to keep your suspension alignment as close to the optimum as possible
and you do not mind a slight increase in noise and vibration Powerflex is the
bush for you.
If you do not care about vibration and you simply want optimum alignment at
all times even on track Powerflex have released their "Black Series" suspension
bushes which are made from a much harder polyurethane compound than their normal
range of bushes. Call us today to find out more and to order your Powerflex
"Με τις τεχνολογικές προόδους στο συγκεκριμένο υλικό, κατέστη δυνατόν να ξεπεραστεί το πρόβλημα που σχετίζεται με τα σκληρότερα σινεμπλόκ , δηλαδή τον αυξημένο βαθμό θορύβου. Με κατάλληλο τεχνολογικό σχεδιασμό της πολυουρεθάνης, είναι δυνατόν να επιτευχθεί αύξηση του βαθμού ακαμψίας των σινεμπλόκ της Powerflex κατά 25-30% συγκριτικά με τα καινούρια εργοστασιακά σινεμπλόκ , αλλά με τις ίδιες ακριβώς ιδιότητες απορρόφησης θορύβου. Σινεμπλόκ POWERFLEX, η λογική κατάληξη."
Powerflex πολυουρεθάνη σινεμπλοκ
Google Translate - Powerflex πολυουρεθάνη σινεμπλοκ flex μικρότερο από το κανονικό σινεμπλοκ του
αυτοκινήτου σας. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι η ευθυγράμμιση της ανάρτησης σας θα είναι πιο
συνεπής κάτω από τα βαριά φορτία, όπως για παράδειγμα φρενάρισμα και στις στροφές,
δίνοντας το αυτοκίνητό σας περισσότερη πρόσφυση, τις ανώτερες δυνάμεις στροφές και
μικρότερες αποστάσεις φρεναρίσματος.
Γιατί δεν είναι ο κατασκευαστής αυτοκινήτων ταιριάζει θάμνους πολυουρεθάνης από
το εργοστάσιο, αν είναι τόσο ανώτερη;
Ο μεγαλύτερος λόγος είναι το κόστος. Χιλιάδες στοιχεία πηγαίνουν σε ένα σύγχρονο
αυτοκίνητο. Εάν ο κατασκευαστής αυτοκινήτων μπορεί να εξοικονομήσει 10 σεντ για
κάθε τμήμα αυτό οδηγεί σε δραστική μείωση του κόστους του αυτοκινήτου.
Ο άλλος βασικός λόγος είναι η άνεση. Powerflex σινεμπλοκ δώσει μια βόλτα που
είναι πολύ κοντά στο πρότυπο, αλλά δεν μεταδίδουν λίγο περισσότερο θόρυβο και τους
κραδασμούς στο σασί του αυτοκινήτου.
Η τάση σήμερα μεταξύ οι περισσότεροι κατασκευαστές αυτοκινήτων είναι να απομονώσουμε
τον οδηγό όσο είναι ανθρωπίνως δυνατό από τον έξω κόσμο. Καουτσούκ σινεμπλοκ είναι
πιο κατάλληλη για την απομόνωση του οδηγού από πολυουρεθάνη και βλέπει ως μόνο θάμνοι
καουτσούκ τείνουν να αποτύχουν όταν το αυτοκίνητο είναι εκτός εγγύησης είναι ένα
δεν brainer για τους κατασκευαστές αυτοκινήτων για να πάει με καουτσούκ.
Αν ψάχνετε για την πλήρη απομόνωση από το δρόμο, τότε αρχική θάμνους αντικατάσταση
ελαστικού είναι πιθανώς πιο κατάλληλη για σας. Αν από την άλλη θέλετε να αισθάνονται
πιο κοντά στο δρόμο και το αυτοκίνητο, Powerflex σινεμπλοκ είναι δύσκολο να κτυπηθεί
για την απόδοση και μεγάλη διάρκεια ζωής.
Όλα Powerflex σινεμπλοκ έρχονται με εγγύηση εφόρου ζωής.
Powerflex Polyurethane Suspension Bushes
Powerflex polyurethane suspension bushes flex less than your car's standard suspension bushes.
This means that the alignment of your suspension will be more consistent under heavy
loads, for example braking and cornering, giving your car more grip, higher cornering
forces and shorter braking distances.
Why didn't the car manufacturer fit polyurethane bushes from the factory if they
are so superior?
The biggest reason is cost. Thousands of components go into a modern car. If
the car manufacturer can save 10 cents on every part this leads to a massive reduction
in the cost of the car.
The other main reason is comfort. Powerflex suspension bushes give a ride that is very
close to standard but they do transmit slight more noise and vibration into the
car's chassis.
The trend today amongst most car manufacturers is to isolate the driver as much
as humanly possible from the outside world. Rubber suspension bushes are more suited to
isolating the driver than polyurethane and seeing as rubber bushes only tend to
fail when the car is out of warranty it is a no brainer for car manufacturers to
go with rubber.
If you are looking for complete isolation from the road then original replacement
rubber bushes are probably more suited to you. If on the other hand you want to
feel more connected to the road and to the car, Powerflex suspension bushes are hard to
beat for performance and long life.
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ Audi
Audi bushes are traditionally overly soft from the factory. The purpose being to
insulate the driver from the road so the car feels more luxurious. Powerflex bushes
make your Audi feel more connected to the road with very little compromise in ride
Audi 80 - 90 Avant Quattro (1983 - 1996)
Audi 80 - 90 Avant Quattro (1992-1996), RS2 (1994-1996)
Audi 80 & 90 Avant (1973 - 1996)
Audi A3 2WD (1997-2003)
Audi A3 MK2 8P (2003-)
Audi A4 (1995 onwards)
Audi A4-S4-Quattro (1995 - 2001), RS4 Quattro (2001 - 2002)
Audi Cabriolet (1992 - 2000)
Audi Coupe (1981 - 1996)
Audi Coupe Quattro (1985 - 1996) Quattro Sport (1980 - 1991)
Audi S3 4WD until 2003
Audi S3 MK2 8P (2006-)
Audi TT 2WD -2006
Audi TT 4WD -06
Audi TT MK2 8J (2007-)
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – BMW
To further focus the driving experience Powerflex suspension bushes are an excellent
addition. Powerflex bushes are superior to the factory bushes in that they keep
the suspension alignment within closer tolerances. On older BMWs Powerflex bushes
can play a part in making your car feel better than new.
BMW 1 Series E81, E82, E87, E88 2004-
BMW E24 6 Series (1979 - 1989)
BMW E28 5 Series (1982 - 1988)
BMW E30 3 Series (1982 - 1991)
BMW E32 7 Series (1988-1994)
BMW E34 5 Series (1988 - 1996)
BMW E36 3 Series (1990 - 1998)
BMW E36 3 Series Compact
BMW E38 7 Series (1994 - 2002)
BMW E39 5 Series (1996 - 2004)
BMW E46 3 Series (1999 - 2006)
BMW E53 X5 (1999-2006)
BMW E90, E91, E92 & E93 3 SERIES (2005-)
BMW Z3 (1994 - 2002)
BMW Z4 (E85)
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Caterham To maintain you Caterham in tip top condition you need the best bushes and Powerflex
are some of the best available. Caterham 7
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Daewoo Often overlooked by the mainstream the Nubira has a hugely underrated chassis.
Powerflex bushes will help your Nubira realise it's full potential.
Daewoo Nubira
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Citroen The AX and Saxo are rightly looked at as classics of the hot hatch breed. But
the cars are getting quite old and while they stay mechanically sound the bushes
will be past their best. Powerflex are an excellent choice if you want to refurbish
the suspension on your Saxo or AX with the added bonus the Powerflex bushes come
with a lifetime warranty.
Citroen AX Mk1 & 2
Citroen Saxo inc VTS
Ferrari 355 (1994-1999)
Ferrari 512TR
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Fiat
Fiat are usually conservative in the choice of suspension bush, specifically they
tend to be quite soft from the factory, Powerflex can help restore your suspension
to better than new condition.
Fiat Cinquecento & Seicento
Fiat Coupe (1993-2000), Brava, Bravo, Marea (all types)
Fiat Punto
Fiat Tipo (1988-1995)
Fiat Uno inc Turbo
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Ford Ford have long been class leaders in performance but the original bushes can
be left wanting if you want good control of the suspension geometry and a long service
life from your bushes. Fortunately Powerflex have probably the largest range of
bushes available for Ford cars and specifically the hotter models.
Ford Escort Cosworth All Types
Ford Escort Mk1
Ford Escort Mk2
Ford Escort MK5,6 & 7 inc RS2000 (1990-2001)
Ford Escort MK5,6 RS2000 4X4 1992-96
Ford Fiesta Mk3 (1989-1996), XR2i, RS1800 16V
Ford Fiesta Mk4 (1995 - 1999) & Mk5 (1999 - 2002)
Ford Fiesta Mk6 (2002-2006 inc Fusion)
Ford Fiesta MK7
Ford Fiesta MK7 2008-
Ford Focus 05- inc ST
Ford Focus inc RS up to 2006
Ford KA (1996 onwards)
Ford Mondeo (1992-2000)
Ford Mondeo (2000 to 2007)
Ford Puma 1997-2001
Ford Sapphire & Sierra Cosworth 2WD
Ford Sapphire & Sierra Cosworth 4WD
Ford Sierra, Sapphire, Scorpio All Types Non-Cosworth
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Honda
If you are looking to track your Honda, Powerflex bushes will help you get the most
from your modifications by keeping the alignment by keeping to the static settings.
Engine mounts can also reduce wheel hop and improve traction.
Honda 1994 Coupe (EJ12 - EJ21) (1998-2000) Aerodeck CRX (EH6 - EG2)
Honda EP3 Civic Type R
Honda Integra Type R (DC-2) (1992-1996) Civic (EG4 - EG5 - EG6)
Honda S2000
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Jaguar Jaguar are some of the most comfortable cars in the world but as the original
bushes get old the suspension can start to knock and this not only causes noise
but also vibrations. Powerflex bushes refurbish your Jaguar's suspension to better
than new while only slight effecting NVH.
Jaguar XJ40
Jaguar XJ8 - R - Sport
Jaguar XK8 XK8R
Lancia Integrale 16v
LandRover Discovery Series II (1995-2004), Range Rover P38
LandRover Freelander
LandRover Discovery Series II (1995-2004), Range Rover P38
LandRover Freelander
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Mazda
Mazda like to give their cars a luxury feel and this means the bushes can be softer
than ideal if you are a demanding driver. Powerflex bushes will connect the car
more with road without decreasing ride comfort too much.
Mazda 2
Mazda MX-5 Mk1 (1989-1998), Mk2 (1998-2005), Miata, Eunos
Mazda MX5 MK3 2005 on
Mazda RX7 Generation 3 & 4 (1992-2002)
Mazda RX8
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Mini
Minis can be quite busy from the factory; Powerflex bushes will keep the alert feel
and keep the suspension within closer tolerances.
Mini One, Cooper, Cooper S
Mini R55 Clubman 10/06-, R56 Coupe 10/05-, R57 Convertible 10/07-
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Mitsubishi
If you drive an EVO, it is probably safe to say you want excellent handling and
fast response. Powerflex will do this exactly. It will make your EVO even more predictable
at the limit by keeping the suspension alignment closer to the static alignment.
If you want to refresh your EVO’ suspension, Powerflex bushes are a key step in
the process.
Mitsubishi EVO 4-5-6-7
Mitsubishi EVO 8 and 9
Mitsubishi EVO X
Mitsubishi Pajero 99-06
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Nissan Some of the most underrated cars on the road. To get your Nissan handling exactly
as Nissan intended you need to keep your suspension alignment within tight tolerances.
Powerflex will help. Nissan bushes can take a beating and they are not known for
their super long service life. Even if you don't want "performance" suspension bushes,
Powerflex bushes can refresh your suspension to like, or better then new feel, so
even if your Nissan is your daily driver, Powerflex has something for you.
Nissan 200SX - S13 & S14
Nissan Skyline GTR R32, R33, GTS/T
Nissan Sunny/Pulsar GTiR
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Opel Opels have long being one of the most tuned cars on the road, they are also
used in Motorsport throughout the world. If you want the suspension on your Opel
performing at its best, Powerflex bushes are a crucial part of the final set-up
Opel Astra (1992-1998), Astra A (1992-1998)
Opel Astra G (1998-2004)
Opel Astra Mk1 & 2 (1979 - 1993), Kadett D & E (1979-1993)
Opel Calibra (1989-1997)
Opel Cavalier 2WD (1989-1995), Vectra A (1989-1995)
Opel Cavalier/Calibra 4WD inc GSi with independent rear suspension, Vectra A (1989-1995)
Opel Corsa C
Opel Corsa, Tigra (1993-2001), Corsa B, Opel Tigra (1993 - 2001)
Opel Manta B
Opel Nova (1983-1993), Corsa A (1983-1993)
Opel Vectra (1997+), Vectra B (1997+)
Opel VX220 (Opel Speedster)
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Peugeot
Like Renault, Peugeot are a leader in the hot hatch segment. The 205 is rightly
regarded as one of the finest handling cars ever made and the 106 continued this
tradition. The 207 turbo is one of the nicest looking hatchbacks on the road today.
Powerflex have a range of bushes to increases the precision of your cars suspension
and even if you simply want to refurbish the suspension on your Peugeot we believe
Powerflex is an excellent choice. Powerflex make a range of engine mounts which
reduce wheel hop, improve traction and reduce stress on your exhaust system.
Peugeot 106 & 106 Rallye
Peugeot 205 & 309 GTI
Peugeot 207 1.6Turbo
Peugeot 306
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Porsche Porsche, the greatest cars money can buy? Depends on who you ask but they are
some of our favourite cars of the past 10 years. Porsche are made with the number
one priority being driving performance and driver pleasure. If you think your Porsche
is too compromised in the suspension department and you want something that will
put you in closer connection with the road Powerflex have the bushes you need. And
if you take your Porsche on track, and lets face it, who doesn't(!?) Powerflex have
released their Black Series ultra hard polyurethane for all main Porsche models
including the 997 GT2 and GT3 and well as the Cayman and 996.
Porsche 911 - 3.6, 964, 993 Carrera 2-4 (1989 - 1998)
Porsche 911 (996)
Porsche 924 and S (all years), 944 (1982 - 1985)
Porsche 968, 944 2 (1985 - 1991)
Porsche Boxster (1997-2004)
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Renault The leader of performance hatch backs for as long as anyone can remember, from
the awesome Renault 5 GT Turbo to the Renault Clio 182, Powerflex bushes will up
the level of focus and precision of your Renault by keeping your suspension under
even tighter control. Powerflex suspension bushes are also an excellent choice if
you simply want to refurbish the suspension on your Renault.
Renault 19 (inc 16V)
Renault 21 inc Turbo
Renault 5 GT Turbo
Renault Clio II (inc 172 & 182)
Renault Clio including 16v & Williams
Renault Laguna upto 2001
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Rover If you want to refurbish the bushes on your Rover of MG Powerflex have a range
of polyurethane bushes to help.
Rover 200 (1995), 25
Rover 800
MGF upto 2002
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Saab
The Saabs covered by the Powerflex range of bushes are at least 10 years old now
and this means the original bushes will be past their best. Fitting Powerflex bushes
will help you rejuvenate your Saabs suspension.
Saab 9-3 (1998-2002)
Saab 9-5 (1998-2002)
Saab 90 & 99 (1975-1984)
Saab 900 (1983-1993)
Saab 900 (1994-1998)
Saab 9000 (1985-1998)
Saab 99 (1970-1974)<
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Seat
If you have a big power Seat you want superb suspension and wheel control. Powerflex
bushes are designed for modified cars, Powerflex bushes will keep your suspension
alignment closer to the static alignment when your on it. Powerflex engine mounts
are the default choice for big power Leons and Ibizas, they stop the engine moving
so much, which improves traction, and preserves exhaust joints.
Seat Altea 5P (2004-)
Seat Arosa (1997 - 2002)
Seat Cordoba (1993-2002)
Seat Ibiza (1993-2002)
Seat Ibiza (2002 onwards)
Seat Leon (2000-2002), Cupra R
Seat Leon Mk2 1P (2005-)
Seat Toledo (1992 - 1999)
Seat Toledo (1999 - 2002)
Seat Toledo Mk3 5P (2004-)
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Skoda
Skoda has been transformed over the past 15 years. Their vRS models can be tuned
to the same level as any Golf or A3 and this means big power. Powerflex engine mounts
restricts the amount your engine can move reducing wheel hop, increasing traction
and reducing the stress on exhaust joints. You also need better suspension control
when you are travelling faster, Powerflex bushes combined with performance suspension
will keep your car planted to the road.
Skoda Fabia (2002-2005)
Skoda Octavia (1997-2004)
Skoda Octavia Mk2 1Z (2004-)
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Smart Smart are tough little cars but if your suspension is starting to feel a bit
soft around the edges Powerflex can help your suspension get back to better than
new condition.
Smart PlusTwo, Roadster, Coupe (inc Brabus)
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Subaru The Subaru Impreza is a legend. Early examples are over 15 years old now
and would benefit from fresh bushes to restore factory levels of suspension control.
The newer Imprezas can with bushes that were overly soft as Subaru pushed towards
the premium end of the car market. If you want to restore your suspension bushes
to better than new or if you want to make your Impreza's handling more feel some
and more responsive Powerflex have got the bushes you need. If you want extra adjustment
in your suspension we also recommend Whiteline. Whiteline make a range of bushes
that can change the caster and camber of your suspension transforming the handling. Subaru IMPREZA INCLUDING WRX & STI, (GH 10/07-12/10, GR 02/08-12/10)
Subaru Impreza Turbo, WRX & Sti (1996 - 2001)
Subaru Impreza Turbo, WRX & Sti (2001 to 2007)
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Suzuki The Iginis and the Swift are highly rated by EVO Magazine and we agree. The
Swift and the Ignis have superbly balanced and chassis that you can take to the
limit without the car giving up. Powerflex bushes further tighten up the suspension
and allow you to get even more for your Ignis or Swift. If you are planning a power
upgrades in the future, Powerflex are an excellent foundation to build upon. Suzuki Ignis
Suzuki Swift - Sport 07 on
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Toyota
Toyota build quality is legendary so your original bushes will probably last the
life of the car. But if you want to make your car a more focussed driver tool you
need bushes which are made from harder material so your suspension stays aligned
even under heavy loads. Powerflex are designed to keep your suspension aligned and
especially on performance cars.
Toyota Corolla AE86 RWD
Toyota MR2 3S-FE/GE SW20
Toyota Starlet KP60 RWD
Toyota Starlet Turbo EP82 & EP91
Toyota Supra 4
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – TVR
Can we call TVR's animalistic? Maybe not but we think they are. Pure driving excitement.
As good as Cerbera is and as good as the Griffith is the bushes can give up over
time especially if you drive your car hard. Powerflex bushes are an excellent replacement
for the OE bushes.
TVR Cerbera
TVR Griffith - Chimera All Models
Powerflex Σινεμπλόκ – Volvo
Volvo make some of the fastest family cars available. Volvo used to pass under the
radar until they entered the British Touring Car Championship and when the became
the de-facto choice of the UK police everyone knew they must have some power. Like
on all cars the suspension bushes take a beating especially on hard driven and/or
modified cars. Powerflex make a range of bushes to refresh your Volvo.
Volvo 850, S70, V70 up to 2000
Volvo S40 (2004 onwards)
Volvo S60 AWD 2002
Volvo S60, V70, S80 2000 on
Volvo V50 (2004 onwards)