Audi S1 - Front Lip - Aero Tuning

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AudiS1_FrontLip_1007 Various
Product Type: Aero
Generally speaking the bigger a front splitter/front lip, the more effective it is
The front lip should be within 4 inches of the ground*
The front lip should protrude by around 4 inches from the front of the car. The more the lip protrudes the more effective but there are diminishing returns*
The more area the front lip covers under the car (sometime reffered to as an undertray or front splitter) the bigger the benefits but consider that servicing will become more difficult if you have to remove the lip to access the engine from underneath
*Source: MotoIQ
More info from Professional Awesome
When set up properly an Audi S1 Front Lip can give:
More front end downforce
More front end grip
Better fuel economy
Higher top speed
The range of Front Lips on ebay seems to be growing weekly. Most of the parts seem to be made from plastic rather then fibreglass which is a definite plus.
Another trend with Front Lips is that there are more and more direct fit products available, whereas before the majority were universal items
This is not to say that universal Front Lips are bad, its just they should be much easier to install because they use existing mounting points on the Audi S1
Having said that, the bigger Front Lips will probably be of the universal type
About Front Lips
Front splitters or front lips are designed to increase the front downforce of the Audi S1
An Audi S1 Front Lip works by seperating the high pressure, low speed air that builds up in front of the car, from the high speed low pressure air that travels under the car
The pressure differential between the top side of the lip and the bottom side of the lip creates downforce.
Front lips/splitters which extend back to cover the bottom of the engine can also increase downforce (because of the larger surface area), reduce drag, increase fuel economy, improve radiator and intercooler efficiency and increase top speed.
A Front Lip may also make the inside of your Audi S1 quieter due to less turbulence around the engine bay. Cooling system efficiency may also be increased due to less air pressure in the engine bay. This can increase intercooler efficiency which can increase power.
To maximise the power of a Front Lip sealing holes in the front bumper can help as this increases pressure in front of the car. Although care needs to be taken not to compromise cooling capacity.
An indepth video covering the technical aspects of a (front lip,front splitter,canard) Audi S1 . The guys demonstrate how pressure is reduced under the front of the front lip, creating downforce
AJ Hartman on the technical aspects of front lip mounting