Αντλλακτικα - Tuning Parts - Street & Circuit, Hellas, Greece, Ελλαδα
Audi V8 - Rear Spoiler - Aero Tuning

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Product Type: Aero

Προδιαγραφές / Specs

Audi V8 Rear Spoiler are available as a lip spoiler, window spoiler or as a rear wing

Parts listed on ebay will be universal and Audi V8 specific

Οφέλη / BenefitsΟφέλη / Benefits

Depending on the type of Audi V8 Rear Spoiler the benefits will be either primarily looks or actual downforce

The metal Rear Spoilers will be used more in motorsport while the lip type spoilers may give a reduction in rear lift depending on their size

Σημειώσεις / NotesΣημειώσεις / Notes

Audi V8 Rear Spoilers are available in two types. Stick on with adhesive and Rear Spoilers that need holes drilled. Check the product listing on ebay to check you are happy with how the Audi V8 Rear Spoiler is installed.

If the Rear Spoiler is available in plastic we would prefer that but the high level wings will usually be made from metal

Audi V8 Rear Spoilers will tend to be big in size so bear this in mind when ordering. If ordering from outside your country there may be customs to be paid on arrival

For large items like this we would try to get something from the same country/customs union if at all possible

Βίντεο, εικόνες, σύνδεσμοι / VideoΒίντεο, εικόνες, σύνδεσμοι / Video

A great video showing how to install a Rear Spoiler

A great comment in this video

For the ones asking about the best tape to use, I've done some very thorough reserach and this is what I've found. (Of course there are many brands and models of tape, but this is my finding that most original equipment manufacturers are using) 3M VHB 5952 Or 5956 Both are available in 12,7 or 19mm width. 5952 is 1,1mm thick 5956 is 1.5mm thick. The thinner tape works great for brand original accessories and gives a near invisible seam. Thicker is good for 3rd party accessories where fitment sometimes can be less than absolutely perfect and the thicker tape fills the gap so to speak.

A more tech orientated video for the metal and high level Rear Spoiler/wings



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Audi V8 Tuning